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Please plan to have donations shipped/delivered to MRST office located at 25 N. Wenatchee Avenue, Suite 12 by
August 31, 2024. We are also happy to pick up items locally! Please call email auction@mrst.us with questions or
to schedule pick up or drop off.  Please fill out form below including full description and restrictions.

Thank you for your generosity and support! MRST is a 501 (c)3 Non-Profit, Tax ID #23-7057008.
The Bomber Wing Benefit Auction is our largest fundraiser of the year. Your support helps the Mission Ridge
Ski Team by subsidizing our athletic programs and keeping tuition as low as possible for athletes.

Bomber Wing Auction Donation Requirement: Please donate (or solicit the donation of) an item valued at $250 or more. The donation could be goods or services. If you’d prefer not to participate, you can opt out for $350 payable at registration. This fee will also apply if no donation is made.

If you’re unsure what to donate or need more ideas, please feel free to contact us. We’re here to help and can provide suggestions tailored to your interests and resources.

Every family’s participation in fundraising is crucial to our collective success. Your contributions play a significant role in sustaining MRST’s quality and the ability to solicit and maintain a high level of coaching staff.

Click here to make your $250 Cash Ski Team Family Donation.

Item Information
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